The default dress code at the MDRs is “Cruise Casual.”
The MDRs may also have any of several possible other dress suggestions depending on the specifics of your sailing. These might include formal attire, semi-formal attire, pirate attire, tropical attire, Pixar attire, Frozen attire, or Star Wars attire. In the main dining rooms, everything other than cruise casual is simply a suggestion and is completely optional. I repeat EVERYTHING OTHER THAN CRUISE CASUAL IS OPTIONAL.
What does cruise casual mean?
Basically it means regular clothes. In mid-2013, Disney changed its definition of cruise casual to clarify that wearing shorts is OK. The only items now specifically discouraged in the main dining rooms are “swimwear and tank tops.” Jeans are fine. Shorts are fine. Capri pants are fine. Tee shirts are fine. Sandals are fine. Sneakers are fine. Even the “tank top” issue is malleable. Men should probably not wear tank tops, but I’ve worn slacks or skirts with nice sleeveless tops into the MDRs several times with no problem whatsoever. The general gist of the issue is that they don’t want you to wear beach clothing into the main dining rooms. Seriously, wear your regular clothes, minus swimwear, and you’re good to go.
What does formal attire mean?
Formal attire means tuxedos for the men and long gowns for the women.
I have to wear a tux? I didn’t even wear a tux at my wedding. Do I have to rent something just to wear for a few hours on vacation?